F&M Mobile Banking

The Farmers & Merchants State Bank Mobile Banking app is quick and easy to use.

Total ratings

3.75 (Rating count: 27)
See reviews for F&M Mobile Banking on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.57
All time rating average: 3.75

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Date Author Rating Comment
Dan Twing
Passwords are a constant challenge and their only way to fix it is to call the bank.
A Google user
Was ok
A Google user
I Love the app when it works..I can log in on my desktop computer but my phone wont let me log in..its inconvenient when I need it on the go.
A Google user
This app does not update your personal bank information right away like they should. I've been waiting for almost a week for my bank information to update. And I think that's really ridiculous.. I think they should update this application they have a lot more access with it.
A Google user
It's far too dark and it sucks that you don't have mobile deposits. I may go back to checking it through my internet and removing the app.
A Google user
Can't deposit checks.
A Google user
Much better