Alva State Bank Mobile

Alva State Bank’s Mobile Banking App puts your banking at your fingertips.

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3.87 (Rating count: 31)
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Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 3.87
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Date Author Rating Comment
Need to put a way to lock the card
Joel & Renee Porter
This is ridiculous. Everytime I turn around I'm locked out of our online account or our debit cards have been shut off. I gave an updated phone number, guess someone isn't smart enough to change it in the system.
CorneliusTyrone Williams
I really appreciate everyone at this Branch Office. I'm here to tell Ya, "They are here to offer an outstanding customer service service to me any time I needed anything"! "GREAT JOB "
Paul Gassett
Once I get my app set it changes and I can't get into my account
Stan Otis
A fair app. Not allows up to date on transactions.
Jose Cabron
A Google user
I'd like yo be able to view my statement online not sure if this possible. If it is possible it could save alot of paper for those who have a computer .
A Google user
great, when it works. has been crashing at the password screen for the last month and a half.
A Google user
great app makes my banking much easier online and I've banked with almost every bank in enid ASB is my bank of choice hands down.
A Google user
It crashed a little bit ago and now it won't come back up.
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