Clash of Survival

Rush into epic tower-defense battles: lead a strategy & defend the kingdom

Total ratings

3.27 (Rating count: 192)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun gameplay when not interrupted by issues
  • Interesting concept and mechanics
  • Enjoyable without the need to pay to win
  • Excessive and mandatory ads, including forced ads after payments
  • Frequent crashing and updating issues, preventing access to the game
  • Progression is very slow and upgrading buildings often doesn't work
Most mentioned
  • Mandatory ads after every game
  • Problems with upgrades not functioning
  • Forced ads despite payments for ad removal
  • Game crashes and connectivity issues
See reviews for Clash of Survival on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.27
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Rating filters

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4% (1)
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21% (5)
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25% (6)
1 star
42% (10)
Date Author Rating Comment
Леонид Куценко
10k base bullet damage. Getting +60% skill and it's becoming 12k, that means +20%. Where did you learn the math?
Rudi Dunn
when playing joint battle . enemy attacks but we can't attack back. it's pathetic fix the glitch
Satyam Patel
Game is interesting but in-game ad are 60 seconds long. I can re-install the game if they reduce the ad duration to less than 30 seconds.
John Binns
The games pretty entertaining tbh but the base upgrades don't work so that's a bummer. Otherwise decent
UniMeta Games
Game request update and it fails to update and continue doing that, it do not start
I paid for the new comer promo (3 days with hero on th first day), but it didn't give me anything, i have the receipt. Where do i report to?
Hendra S
It was a good game until the ad is forced to watch
It just shows updating but never updates. Always showing update failed
nikhil Chaudhary
The game is good. Progress is a little slow as difficulty between levels can be drastically high sometimes. My main issue is I cannot upgrade my town hall, even I have the resources. Please fix this.
diek mahendrata
I would go 3 star for this game because it has a lot of ads. But I chose to give 2 because I hate when I can't find exit button on it.
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