Matching card game

Match cards game is memory matching card game for match cards pair

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 257)

Review summary

  • No annoying ads during gameplay
  • Good for memory training and improvement
  • Simple and enjoyable gameplay
  • Fun for family and friends
  • Challenging game modes
  • Computer player appears to have an unfair advantage
  • Bugs and UI improvements needed
  • No multiplayer option on separate devices
Most mentioned
  • Memory improvement
  • Gameplay against the computer
  • Enjoyment and simplicity of the game
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.75
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90% (18)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Corey English
No annoying ads that pop up while I'm playing my match game.
Sharon Goerner
I've been looking for a game like this for a bit and I love playing this one...especially up against the computet!
Trevor Paine
Good app for memory training, exactly what I was looking for. Sometimes it feels like the insane bot is cheating, but I beat it after 15 or so attempts.
Sandra Stevens
I thought it was great until I realized that a person can't win against the knows where all the matches are..not fair..should have the same chance as I do!!!
Natalie Rodriguez
Helps with my memory so much that I can even see a setback in memory if I go too long without playing this game. Yes, you can't beat playing to improve oneself than the usual "no pain, no gain."
Lecinda 'Syndi' Howell Slagle Stevens
I love this game! I play against the computer about 10 times a day! Great game! Awesome for passing time!
Mary Ingersoll
Finally found a real memory game and have only just discovered that you have to roll the cards back to start again. Really enjoying it and sure it will help help my memory which is declining
helpstartcapitalleague baseball
This is great. I just wish you could play between 2 people on 2 different phones like word feud Does. 5 🌟 starsπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Almost Ahero
The app is great love it ,I see you also make a ludo game ,which I can't play cause it says it's made for an older version of Android or something,it looks good I wanna try your other game plz update it so I can enjoy ludo ,your version looks amazing in the pictures
Cynthia Madueno-Perez (Cynthia Laura perez)
I really like it. It's really simple and fun to play without all the extra nonsense they b putting in. Satisfying
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