Brave Pixel

Brave Pixel is a action packed game designed for fun and thrills

Total ratings

4.40 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Brave Pixel on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.40

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5 star
67% (2)
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33% (1)
1 star
Date Author Rating Comment
This game feels unfinished. There's a very brief explanation of how to play, but that's all they tell you. I think one enemy is immune to damage too (I could be wrong though, as it was never explained). The exit button on the main menu doesn't work. The only thing I particularly liked was the art, however it's pretty blurry in some places where it feels like it shouldn't be. This game could've been way better if polished up a bit. Moral of the story: don't trust a game with "pixel" in the title.
Lupa Logan
Fun game for the kids
Jake Randal
Probably the best new game out there