La Comer en tu casa

LaComer is our home delivery service.

Total ratings

4.07 (Rating count: 15,398)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Generally quality products and reliable service
  • Convenient way to shop online and delivery options
  • User-friendly interface for searching and paying for products
  • Good prices for shopping
  • Friendly delivery drivers
  • App is unstable and frequently has bugs
  • Issues with payment processing and card registration
  • Users experience app crashes and inability to log in
  • Shopping cart often clears or does not sync with the web version
  • Difficulties in finding products and navigating through the app
Most mentioned
  • App functionality issues (slow, unable to log in, crashes)
  • Payment processing problems (adding cards, payments not going through)
  • User experience challenges (finding products, cart issues, bugs)
See reviews for La Comer en tu casa on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.07
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Rating filters

5 star
27% (7)
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19% (5)
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12% (3)
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12% (3)
1 star
31% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Lena Larson
sometimes when they are out of something they don't call or tell me at the delivery (and the receipt doesn't say it) so I don't realize right away. and then later I'm missing something. but in general it's great.
Dulce Lopez
There is no products pics
William Bauer
It needs an English option, but otherwise a great application.
David Mack
(Almost) always works perfectly. EXTREMELY handy and time-saving.
Lynn Fleming
Can't open the app
Great way to shop online, but the app is a little slow & clunky. *updated to 5 stars* There appears to be some improvement to the app, much more streamlined. *updated to 1 star* The app is completely non-functional now 🤦‍♂️ *updated to 2 stars" This is where I'll leave it. Sometimes the app works, sometimes no, so it'll never deserve a high rating.
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez Austin
Great app! Works wonders!
Marthe Fraser
This is the most difficult to use app I have experienced! Finding products is time consuming, finding out something isn't available and then returning to the order takes forever, it took me 3 hours to make this order. Trying to sign on to my laptop and reach La Comer and order is just as bad. What happened???? This was so easy four months ago, and now it's impossible.
Mariska van Heel
After last update I can't get in the app anymore. Wants me to do an update first, but the only option I grt in Google store is open app. Going around in circles
Mike Sager
La Comer in Puerto Vallarta has been very reliable for us over the past year. Some highlights: generally quality products (though sometimes produce is in bad shape), no scams or theft (unlike R*ppi), friendly delivery drivers, and easy payment options. The product selection is generally quite good, as well.
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