Ultimate Destruction Simulator

Destruction simulator: realistic simulation, demolition physics sandbox

Total ratings

3.48 (Rating count: 961)

Review summary

  • Good physics
  • Realistic graphics
  • Fun and entertaining gameplay
  • Satisfying destruction mechanics
  • Creative building editor
  • Too many ads
  • Limited options without payment
  • Game crashes or freezes frequently
  • Lag issues
  • High cost for additional features
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Need for payment to unlock features
  • Crashes during gameplay
  • Limitations in building or creativity
  • Desire for additional content or features like air strikes
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.48
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Rating filters

5 star
32% (7)
4 star
23% (5)
3 star
18% (4)
2 star
9% (2)
1 star
18% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
arthur dirnescu
Really good and physics where ON THE TOP
That's realistic graphics and RTX thanks for playing
Jordan Wallis
It would be amazing if you add an air strike or different tanks as well 😁
Jazzwayne Dotado
I give it two stars one star because of the game is good in my other phone one star because it cannot work in this phone that i'm using
Cameron Dennis-Samad
It is really fun but at the same time it's a little bit confusing and kind of glitches a lot in lots of ads 😞 so I would recommend it but not at the same time it's not the best show
Miles Porter (PokeFan)
I can't even get past the tutorial before it crashes
Rumna Sharma
The graphics where How do we unlock the other things like delta beta echo. I don't want to watch 2000000000000000000000 ads FOR GOD SAKE
Ashley Davis
For some reason, the downloading is canceled automatically when I don't look. Please fix this.
This is amazing amazing destruction amesome Streisand physics and creativity I find it fun and entertaining I Just with the build limit was 600
Rayden Sizemore
Good physics. Too many ads and builder breaks if you max out the block counter.
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