Like Climber

Climb the most inaccessible places. Get likes and upgrade. Be a climber!

Total ratings

3.33 (Rating count: 44)
See reviews for Like Climber on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.33
All time rating average: 3.33

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Date Author Rating Comment
Hello Hi
The game is not the best game with similar games being slightly better but still kinda fun
James Murphy
Boring af
Alan Roberts
No reward for watched adverts. Not a bad game otherwise.
Rian Ardiansyah Tanwi
Nice game
M Guzman
"If it's not broke don't fix it...!" Soooo, why'd you change the game from hoops, having power and length upgrades to having "grappling hooks?" With only length upgrades and half the time it doesn't stick if you even see what ur aiming at nevermind the glitching. Tell me, do you even try the game before you put it out? I was looking forward to the "Coming Soon" lvls that never come. Don't even get me started on the nuclear fart wind that blows you every which way. PUT IT BACK OR FIX THIS PLEASE!
Mark Lund
I love this game. However, there is only 1 level with 6 stages...They say the rest of the levels are coming soon but when???
Andrew Smith (AmishBeardGuy)
Very fun game! Can't wait for more levels. Can be a bit glitchy at times.
Helen Jones
Difficult but has great potential
Chuck Hackett
Fun little game... A few little glitches here and there, but fun. Looking forward to more levels coming along.