Coin Identifier - Scanner Coin

Coin Identifier: Scan coins, explore facts and value of your collection!

Total ratings

3.88 (Rating count: 39,236)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • easy to identify coins
  • fun to use
  • may potentially identify valuable coins
  • too many ads
  • misidentifies coins frequently
  • requires credit card details for free trial
  • subscription model is misleading
Most mentioned
  • frequent ads
  • misidentification of coins
  • subscription requirements
  • poor user experience
See reviews for Coin Identifier - Scanner Coin on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 3.88
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5 star
13% (5)
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78% (31)
Date Author Rating Comment
Followmeitwill Beallright
so many ads I can't find where to scan a coin
Mystic Ranger
forcing me to capture credit card details before even being able to see if the app is worth sounds more like a scam
Keven Mckitrick
I have hundreds of coins and coins Identifer couldn't ID any thing I scanned, and I did a nickel and it couldn't even ID that, I am done with it now.
Craig Cox
too many ads
Rusty Snyder
down load to try it for free and so it came up after setting it up it's a 3 day free and cant even get it for free until you entered a payment method and subscribe and pay. it's not free at all like site to down load shows and it don't show it free for 3 days until down load it and then it shows for 3 day free and you can't even try it for free unless you show your payment info and pay. so what so free about it and a waste of time and false advertising for free.
David Bruce
subscription to use even once. I'm so tired of FREE (to download) APPS
Donnie L
instead of free it should be up front and say that there is a subscription you nees.
Carolyn Zehender
says it's free but you have to sign up for fee
Ultraman Gta
garbage you have to pay for this app. uninstalling
Heather Farrington
i want to cancel this app sucks. It hasn't got one coin right
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