World War Armies: WW2 PvP RTS

Dynamic strategy clashes: Online RTS featuring intense multiplayer PvP battles

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 80,796)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Strategic gameplay that appeals to RTS fans
  • Fun and engaging overall experience
  • Variety of units and strategies available
  • Good internal progression for free players
  • Beautiful design and controls (with some complaints)
  • Frequent crashes and bugs that disrupt gameplay
  • Perceived pay-to-win elements affecting balance
  • High cost of in-game purchases and battle passes
  • Slow loading times and performance issues
  • Limited communication options for multiplayer coordination
Most mentioned
  • Crashes during gameplay
  • Pay-to-win mechanics
  • High costs associated with purchases
  • Lack of in-game chat
  • Frustration with loading times and connectivity issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.39
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Date Author Rating Comment
Overall I enjoy the game one of the big lighting elements is communication between the two V2 players period and also no way to communicate on the app with your friends in order to coordinate when you would like to get together and play with each other. The only other issue I have is have made several purchases that for whatever reason whether it be bugged related issue or what it will allow the purchase but not provide what was purchased especially in the battle pass section
Edgardo Gallardo Coghlan
It's a very entertaining game. After some digital improvement the menu feels slow and it's full of ads. The purchases are quite expensive and definitely some opponents are better equipped than you. It has potential and I still have it because I have purchased on it.
Micheal Bakerii
So far this game is awesome with a command and conquer style game play. Complicated but exciting and to its name truly is strategy driven! 4 stars because there's always room to improve but overall I dig it, even the offers are super well priced and the rewards are awesome. Give us voice chat, no one pays attention to the comms you have for us to communicate, useless for 2v2....
Randy Boyd
The game itself is very well designed. I really enjoyed myself for about 3 weeks and then it was obvious that if you don't pay regularly you'll only be full of hours of frustration only to get minutes of good gameplay. Nobody likes waiting for a match only to get rolled before you can even try to take a strategic point. Developer will likely say this isn't a pay to win game because there's free ways to play. That means it's free to play, but it's still pay to win.
Curtis Moe
Been playing since it was created. Had to change my review from 5 to 3 stars. And now, I have had to change it to 2 stars. They are over complicating the game, making you pay for 90% than when it was first created. I guess that is the business model. Make a fun, simple game. Grow a player base for 6 months, then start adding complexity and paid-for upgrades. I do still like that you control how many ads you see, but this is far from the fun game it was a year+ ago.
Anthony Explosiv3
I've played since the Beta release and years later one of the best WW2 combat games out there. A lot has changed since the Beta and the game has come a long way with expanding Army choice, more troops added, more maps added, and more rewards. More variety of game modes would be ideal and is needed at this point like Body Count Damage%, Elimination, Free for All, and etc. One of only a few games that takes strategy and knowing what troops and how to use them over the pay to win. 97% wins no ptw.
ACB Bjyojy
A very good game with some strange flaws. Its a little bit pay to win as some essential characters are locked behind a random draw, with the best example being the german paratroopers, being the only paratroopers in the game makes them the de facto best infantry and they're locked behind a 30$ paywall, this is even stranger when you take into account that the country that was known for it's airborne in WW2 was America and in this game they have nothing of the sort.
Razors Occam
I think the game is absolutely amazing if you are into RTS. It has a ton of depth in team building for multiple stragies yet very simple and easy to play in its execution. The game admittedly can feel a little pay2win at times with being able to use certain units, but the matchmaking is skill based and you will unlock units as you play. MY BIGGEST COMPLAINT is that there is no in-game chat and my game crashes whenever someone else hosts 2v2. -1 star for that! 5/5 otherwise. Poorly optimized.
Ty Naz
I really enjoy this game. I've been playing for a little over a year. Recently however my games have been crashing very often. Sometimes randomly buildings will continuously begin flashing and have issues. I will try to lower the graphics for my phone and comment again on this later. Games still crash, even with 200+mbps :( I still play but I hope it gets better
Christopher Neely
Great game so far, but I can't give 5 stars. 50% of the time, the game will not load. Stops at 46%. I've tried force stopping the game, restarting my phone, deleting and reinstalling the game....all with the same outcome. Works sometimes, won't load the next. Definitely think it needs to be looked at and fixed! Hopefully, the devs see this because I truly believe that they have a great game here. It just needs some fine tuning! Thanks!
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