Bounce Hero

Are you ready to bounce? Shoot, survive, and bounce to victory!
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Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Nice game ,its a small game when your bored ,easy to play and comfortable πŸ˜‚
Jeremy Vaca
Ronnie Harris
I like this game
Oliver Arong
The update has made the game unplayable. It just keeps on loading. Lost all my progress. Which is a shame since i really loved this game.
Overall a solid 5/5. Visuals is pleasing, quite similar to Honkai's, BGM & SFX is simple yet fitting. This can be played Offline, Online is optional for watching ads for getting better rewards and what's better is it's optional to watch them as they don't push them right into your face. Minimalistic as it's finest, a rare gem indeed. Keep it up lads! For recommendations: I do recommended putting expressions for our little Hero, when they lose/win would be nice!
Dale Cyrus Bautista
This game is really really good the graphics are top tier and the music is relaxing combined with popping noise it's so satisfying but this game need improvement it need more upgrade such us like movement speed, increase double shot chance and many more I think u should add pet like a mini robot that shoots and add mini game cuz the game is getting boring I rate this a 4 star keep up the good workπŸ‘πŸ‘
kunal pansuriya
UI animations are too slow. If you fail a level, the amount of time it takes to start again is just too much. I will increase the rating if you add an option to skip the animations with a tap. Edit: Thanks a lot for implementing the changes. For others reading there are other games with this particular gameplay but this one is the only one I've come across that doesn't push mandatory ads and i appreciate it. Where they DO have ads there's usually a pretty reasonable reward to go along with it.
Very Nice game... Best graphics
Ricky Batalla
No nice game I like it