Pitch Counter

Baseball/Softball Pitch Counter/Tracker (Tracks games/pitchers with charts)

Total ratings

3.90 (Rating count: 33)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and functional for counting pitches
  • Volume-button click makes it easy to record pitches
  • Highly recommended by users for ease of use
  • Difficulty in ending games, with the current feature not functioning properly
  • Presence of annoying ads
  • Lack of additional features like counting balls, strikes, and fouls
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ending games properly
  • Volume-button functionality is a positive aspect
  • Some users report that the app worked well before the recent update
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 3.90
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Rating filters

5 star
58% (7)
4 star
17% (2)
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17% (2)
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8% (1)
1 star
Date Author Rating Comment
Wendy Morse
Works great!
Stephen Taylor
Worked fine before recent update now it does not open. Since recent update any issues I had have been resolved
Ann Baker
Game never stops!! Even though I initiated "game end" it still keeps counting time. Very simple be to use for counting pitched but not simple to stop game. I'd give it a 4 star & there are few other small issues.
Calberto Gracia
Thank You
A Google user
Ending of a game is found on the menu. Once you end the game it won't keep counting pitches. This feature was added in 2014.
A Google user
Counts pitches very simple. You can choose pitchers and games and time between pitches but trying to stop a game it won't do it. You have to start a new game for it to end a game. The end game function does not work at all and just keeps counting the time between pitches. Simple functionality is lacking.
A Google user
Simple and functional, doesn't try to do too much. If it could count balls, strikes, fouls, that would be extremely helpful. But overall, highly recommended!
A Google user
I like da app
A Google user
App works great! Volume-button click to record each pitch is so easy.
A Google user
Get rid of annoying ads at top of screen , add way to end game, then app might be a 5
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