Reviews of Dig - Mine and Upgrade

List of user reviews and ratings for Dig - Mine and Upgrade

Total ratings

4.36 (Rating count: 524)

Review summary

  • Simple and enjoyable gameplay
  • Relaxing without intrusive ads
  • Good progression mechanics, without timers or idle mechanics
  • Unique digging experience compared to other games
  • Offers upgrades and collectibles that keep the gameplay engaging
  • Frequent forced ads after recent updates
  • Game resets or glitches causing loss of progress
  • Need for more content and levels to retain player interest
  • Items and upgrades becoming too expensive and grindy post-update
  • Controls have changed negatively affecting gameplay
Most mentioned
  • Need for more content and levels
  • Frequent and intrusive ads
  • Issues with game resetting or losing progress
  • Desire for a settings menu to customize sound
  • Request for additional features or premium content to enhance gameplay
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Dig - Mine and Upgrade on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.36
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Rating filters

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50% (11)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Barb E
Forced ads, needs more levels, gems, difficulty. Over too soon. I would either add difficulty levels or like 50 more gems to find, just more game.
Becky Hatchett
I love the game, But it could still be better ..need more upgrades . and a few ice layers to get through on the way down , and a huge gem at the end .
Amilio T
*** just played this again and there are SO many advertisements! It's not the same I honestly love this little game! It really is alot of fun.... hopefully there are more levels coming, even if there isn't I will still be digging!
AG SoloWolf
It's a good game overall but the 1 problem I keep having over and over is my game gets reset like it starts from the beginning, even when logging into my account nothing changes I'm still at the start, I love this game but it keeps resetting please fix this.
Sarah Ranallo
I finished this game months ago, and came back to download it again because it really is the perfect digging game. There's nno timer or upwards scroll to rush you, the collectibles add a goal beyond just going deeper. You progress by starting at greater depths instead of just being able to dig further each time. I can't find another digging game like this.
Nikki Morris
Perfect for those of you that simply like to dig or want more of a relaxing one. There just isn't many like this one out there and wish there was. I love the simple digging. No enemies, but not a still idle clicker either.
Michael Woodburn
Honestly im sorry to say but im kinda dissapointed yes theres plenty of stuff to mine but id like to have a purpose and after a point it litteraly is just buying a ton of bombs go underground untill you run out repeat.. which is kinda boring to me and those dark matter bombs are just stupid seems like they have the range of the medium explosive with more damage then the nuke.. i just buy a few hundred nukes and thats pretty much it only mine what the bombs cant.
Nikki Morris
Finally! I've been looking for a simple mine digging app. Not hard, just digging. But not idle either. Can collect and upgrade ax, depth, ect and that's cool but it's not hard, which I like. Will keep this on my phone always
Pedro Henrique
Great game! Congrats for the devs team. Of course a little more content would be awesome, but it is very fun at the point. I am also a developer and I've had some ideas to make a game just like this one.
Sarah Richards
Needs far more content, had it 2 days nearly complete. Could include missions, challanges, stronger bombs as you get further down, more items to dig and treasures. It's good as a starter game but really needs to be improved to keep people playing.
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