Drop Ball Blast

Drop Balls and score big in this Pachinko inspired action puzzle game.

Total ratings

2.70 (Rating count: 18)
See reviews for Drop Ball Blast on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.70

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Date Author Rating Comment
Mark Jimenez (Mark)
No need internet to enjoy
Chi Him Wong
Balls get stuck on the pins and when I tried to drop another ball to knock it away, the other ball simply disappears. Also 60 balls seems a little too much for one game?
You know a game has too many ads when you get one literally as soon as you launch the app.
A Google user
The coloring of the levels hurt my eyes. Everything on the screen was the wrong size... Like the resolution was off. I felt like I needed to squint b/c everything seemed so small. But staring so intently w/all the weird coloring gave me a headache. I like the concept but the design, size and coloring need some work.
A Google user
Hard on the eyes, bright colors and old fashion. Your scored too. Seriously? You have no control where the ball will land.