One Million Taps - Clicker

Will you be able to reach a million touches? Tap the button and show it!

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 39)
See reviews for One Million Taps - Clicker on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.13
All time rating average: 4.75

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38% (3)
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38% (3)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Xander Fogg
I don't like that every time you click it makes a annoying sound but other than that I like it
Perfwithsus RBLX
I just beat this game with 1,000,000 clicks. WTH can I do now?
pro gamer
What a game
Xavier Royes
Really good app! (I don't really have anything to say but after 30 minutes of playing, my score is 20855)
charlie thepig
It's eh, I guess. The ending when you hit a million is unsatisfying and the ad for 1x button shouldn't be there but it is okay and addictive. 6/10. Don't recommend unless you have 10 hours to burn.
Very fun game but there wasn't a reward when I beat the game and got to 1M taps
cabbage merchant
Very addictive but adds don't work Edit: thanks for replying and I love the competition with me and my friends so I changed it to 5 stars
Amber Williamson
Cool I hate that there is a boost to the tap I want to tap exactly 1 million times