미래를 보는 카드 : 마법의 카드점, 수정 구슬, 궁합

You can look at the present and the future through mysterious cards.

미래를 보는 카드: 마법의 카드점

미래를 보는 카드 : 마법의 카드점, 수정 구슬, 궁합 is an Android app that allows users to glimpse their future through a unique combination of mysterious cards. By selecting from a variety of images, you can receive clear insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, behaviors, love, health, and finances. Discover what the cards hold for you and prepare for your future with this mystical card reading experience.

App stats

Downloads: 21,558
Version: 2.0 (Last updated: 2023-10-27)
Full description: See detailed description


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