Reviews of Alien Detector : Alien Radar,

List of user reviews and ratings for Alien Detector : Alien Radar,

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 622)

Review summary

  • Unique concept with no similar apps available
  • No ads in the app
  • Visually appealing with references to popular alien-themed media
  • Users enjoy the idea of friendly aliens
  • Cool and fun app
  • Perceived as unrealistic and boring by some
  • Technical issues with memory persistence after uninstallation
  • Presence of too many ads
  • Users find it confusing and lacking purpose
  • Mismatched expectations regarding gameplay and communication with aliens
Most mentioned
  • Scary elements associated with aliens
  • The app's unique and entertaining concept
  • Issues with ads or app performance
  • Confusion about the app's purpose and functionality
  • User experiences with alien interactions or perceptions
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Alien Detector : Alien Radar, on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.35
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Rating filters

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55% (11)
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20% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Candy Sriyan
It's so scary I don't like scary aliens or any other monsters like ghost zombie aliens and more.....
Melvin Henderson
100% accurate!! There's literally no app out there like this!! I'm shocked that it made it as an app!!!
It was able to save me for alien!!!! It was insid me wall.
Fred Quantson
Interested but why can't l communicate with them on this app??
Isaac DeCesaro
It's different, watch media in case any of these being are trying to set microchips into people as the mark of the beast. It's all right if it's outside of the body but not inside of the body. It's all right if it's a band like a ring or a card but not a microchip in the body.
Jeff Johnson
There are no ads in the app. it's got images of movie "Aliens" even xenomorphs, and Queens, Yodas and Vulcans and ETs needs Klingons, Borgs/Locutus, and Feregi and Ewoks the "teddy bear alien equivalent."-Not The Future by Bad Lipreading on YouTube. Oh, the Rodian shot 1st at Han 1st. Why did this update with 0MB ? something is odd. Stay cool. ✌️👽🖖🙂
Gregorio Farray
Eager to start taking the veil off.Under the oceans a vast number of life and unknown to most reality goes on.Decades trying to educate the human flock it's culminating in a soon to come revelation,but mind the fear mongrels counting on scenarios like independence day film to obtain their selfish goals.I welcome the day I'm approached and volunteer for any task if my foreign friends are listening. Peace
Jimmy Shoopman
Not sure the point of this game but it seems boring.
Daniel Minnich
Why can't it be deleted & erased after unstalling it, so I'm able to start it all over again after restalling again from the beginning? … I noticed it holds in memory! Even after deleting it & unstalling it!
Ron Stone
Kind of funny, but unrealistic, and terroristic media when some aliens spring up at you.
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