Base Defense: Survival

Defend your base from waves of Enemies !

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2.50 (Rating count: 16)
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Recent rating average: 2.38
All time rating average: 2.50

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Date Author Rating Comment
Parsa Rezaie
Good idea, terrible execution. The worst part is when I upgrade the units it's such a small upgrade that it makes no sense to do.
I want the game to be good, but wave 5 doesn't end even after all the zombies are dead. I have to quit the whole game just to get un stuck.
evan robert
Most everything in my last critical review is fixed, save for a new issue; rocket guy is near useless, due to it's awful fire rate. Perhaps a way to upgrade damage in game using meat would be nice, and a way to delete units if you don't want them would be nice, and that's it! That's all the improvements it really needs. (Though it's very slow to get coins.) The issue that wasn't yet fixed was 2 units will sometimes occupy the same spot, rather than merging. Not too often though.
Christopher-John Muzio
Very good base layout, but still very early on. I was able to get through the 5 initial waves, but the round does not stop, it just stops sending enemies. Really hoping to see an update 🤙
John Smuda
Too grindy just as the other reviews say.
Lupe Guillen
I like it. Cool game and concept. But you can't build your meat fast enough. Can't can't get coins fast enough.
Fred Opificius
I don't get it when I get to wave 5 and beat it nothing happens the game just keeps playing and I need to close the game to get my gold from the round but I never get past the first stage.
Buggy but has promise bow doesn't work