Reviews of FunRewards

List of user reviews and ratings for FunRewards

Total ratings

2.67 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for FunRewards on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.17
All time rating average: 2.67

Rating filters

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17% (1)
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17% (1)
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1 star
67% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jim Fowler
Just started. Looking forward to using
Maxey Hensley
Every chance I've gotten to use this app the location or restaurant either doesn't know how to input the discount or they say they don't know anything about it and don't honor the discount
Olivergavin Gavin
This phone Rewards app does not honor any of the fund Rewards Local Deals which in fact is with restaurants. I will not recommend this app to any family and friends or the public.
Marie Schiera
A Google user
This is a scam by marquette bank. Closing my accounts there. Charging me fun rewards fee and get nothing.
A Google user
Just a log in screen, there is no way to set up an account or any type of guidence whatsoever