Reviews of Car Simulator Corvette

List of user reviews and ratings for Car Simulator Corvette

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 31)
See reviews for Car Simulator Corvette on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.33
All time rating average: 4.11

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Date Author Rating Comment
honestly pretty enjoyable for like 5 minutes, but then you start to notice things like wheels not moving in any form, not really any handling difference beetwen the cars, pretty cloggy map, too many unnecessary cars and thing on the roads, also no menu, or graphics presets. It looks kinda good, it has potential to become an enjoyable game.
Mustafa Garbaj
Nice and super.
jasdr bac
The game isnt bad for what its teyong to be, graphics are pretty good and the controlls are a bit buggy. All in all, i got what i came for (corvettes).
Hisham Othman
Useless game
Jacob DuBois
Well the wheels don't spin and the car engines aren't different.
Keyshawn Sicard