Mirror Link Phone Car Screen

Mirror Link connect your phone to your car screen .

Total ratings

3.82 (Rating count: 518)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as advertised for some users.
  • Provides a good experience when it works.
  • Does not work with many car models.
  • Requires sign up before testing the app.
  • Excessive ads.
Most mentioned
  • Not compatible with many specific car models.
  • Advertising issues.
  • Poor functionality or failure to connect.
See reviews for Mirror Link Phone Car Screen on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.82
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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Merica Nakal
Works exactly as they say , nomore no less .
Manit Kastro
Does worked very nice .
Mores Dolkol
Love this one was working really good .
Kevin Dougall (KevD71)
Ads, ads,ads... Citroen not even listed
Gary A
Did not work with tv
David Amos
Says works with used cars old cars. It does Not work with my car 2006 Nissan.
RJ 908
It shows my exact radio on opening this app but it does not show it as a connectable option
Maung Kwynn
It's a very good experience. I don't know why there is no direction in sound. Normally there is a direction by sound always when I use GPS for direction.
Hasan S
It uses your integrated mirroring service from your phone what's the point?! I got new and new phone and it's not working 0 stars!
Johnny B
Only because they didn't ask for it before I got to try it
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