Flag Painting Puzzle

Try to draw and paint the national flags with the right color

Total ratings

3.43 (Rating count: 13,694)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun concept of learning about flags and geography
  • Engaging and educational gameplay
  • Great for kids to learn countries and their flags
  • Excessive number of ads that disrupt gameplay
  • Unskippable ads after every level or action
  • Ads often cover the gameplay area, causing frustration
Most mentioned
  • Overwhelming presence of ads
  • Gameplay is interrupted by frequent ad pop-ups
  • Game requires internet connection to play
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.43
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Date Author Rating Comment
Michael Chavez
Good game. Only problem? There's quite nothing to do after we complete the actual map. After I was done drawing all of the flags, the game was messing up and kept sending me to the same flag after I finished the entire map. I suggest that there should be an option where you could view the world map filled with the flags that you finished. Would make the game better.
I love the game But there's too many ads blocking the screen when i'm trying to color.
Satwant Attal
I love this game it teaches me new country's and their names. The only bad thing is that there are to many ads
Grzegorz Olszewski
Tbh this ad simulator is good but there's too much gameplay going on, I can watch ads all the time but the app keeps on telling me to paint some flags? Idk I just wanna enjoy the ad simulator
Ads cover half of the screen and just to simply undo something you need to watch a long ad.
Nicholas Crawford
Too many ads and it's dumb that you have to wait for the marker to slowly color in each space.
L J imeson
WORST GAME EVER! TOO MUCH ADS AND ITS EXPENSIVE TO PAY FOR NO ADS, SO I DON'T RECOMMEND IT! Unless if you like ads then of course you can download it!
Adrianne Johnson
Would rate 0 if I could. The actual idea of a flag quiz is a nice time waster, but the problem is that there is tons of ads. Every level, you get either a compilation of 2 ads or a 30 second unskippable ad. Every 15 seconds a popup appears that covers HALF of your screen and you wanna restart bc you messed up? Well too bad, you can only go back once and it requires an unskippable ad per each rewind. Overall this is just a poorly-made money generator loaded with ads. Do not recommend.
Emily Trube
Only started playing to get rewarded on another app, but this one would be enjoyable if there wasn't an ad every 3 seconds. I get wanting to make money, but surely there's a way to do it without being so obnoxious.
Kristynka Mostova
Hey, I get it. Ads are annoying, but their genuinely not that bad as much as the reviews say, especially if you're an kid who grew up with ads all the time. Otherwise, this is quite an entertaining game, if you're interested in geography, and flags. This is an great way to learn them, I recommend this game. ... Unless you hate ads. (Please follow "@Pollygachaxd" on tiktok /nf)
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