Coin Identifier - Coin Value

Coin Snap, value guide, organize and track your coin collection, banknote

Total ratings

4.15 (Rating count: 10,777)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and easy to use
  • Offers helpful advice
  • Some users found it mind-blowing and appreciated the app
  • Overwhelming amount of ads
  • App does not provide accurate coin values
  • Difficulties with language selection and usability
  • Issues with subscription cancellations and refunds
  • Technical issues with photo capturing and internet connectivity
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • App not functioning properly or accurately identifying coins
  • Subscription and payment issues
  • Difficult user experience
  • Request for language support, especially English
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 4.15
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74% (32)
Date Author Rating Comment
abhijith bhat Mg
very bad app... always advertising is displaying.
Christine Harrison
ads make the app unusable
Patrick Barlow
No English?!?!? What is wrong with your app planning? English is the language I'm familiar with. Let me put it this way I was being offered language selection at the start of going through the app's beginning setting section an ad must have blocked the option because I didn't see it.
Sometimes the photo is not taken the way I expect to see it.
Shelli Wheeler
so many ads
Every 4/5 second ' halt for advertisements, don't allow free users at all, to download this app. keep your app only for paid version... it will be more realistic, for the app promoter and the end users. You want to be free user don't waste time...
Too much ads, not showing coin value in present
Amanda Cooper
Couldn't get past the ads to scan anything it's stupid. Don't waste your time.
Uncle Ray
so many adds you can't get to the actual coin identifier
Robert Birch
I got three adds and I haven't even opened the thing up and being able to do anything yet. I just deleted with out getting any information on my coin
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