Huntr: Job Search Browser

Organize your job search

Total ratings

3.99 (Rating count: 166)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good concept for job searching and organization
  • Web version has nice UI and good functionalities
  • Allows users to apply from various job sites
  • Frequent login issues and app stability problems
  • Crashes often and has performance issues
  • Interface is laggy and difficult to use on mobile
Most mentioned
  • Login problems
  • App crashes
  • Performance issues
  • Poor user interface on Android
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.99
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Date Author Rating Comment
Alfredo C
Nice app but you need to relog every couple days eurher on web and app. That is really annoying, and don't tell me it is a out security, because if any other app can, you can as well in a secure way.
Alex Hunt
App is currently broken! I am not able to login at all, as it just continuesly bring me back to the sign up screen after entering my login credentials. The iPhone version of this app works flawlessly. Please fix this app!!
Philippe Costa
The app has some performance issues and some of the job portals are deprecated. Appart from that, it does what's supposed to do.
It's doesn't really make it easier to use than just getting on the computer. I always have trouble using the app it crashes a lot. If I try to move a job over to another area to update it. The app will crash and close or the job block will get stuck and I can't reset it. Unlike on the computer I can't save applications from other apps or boards on Huntr without manually putting them into a tag.
K. Duff
1. Can you add ladders search engine and 2. adj the extention so that there is an auto add function in indeed that if we save jobs in indeed we dont have to go back and resave them to huntr? Also 3. make arrow to go back at top right of corner instead of so small on bottom left 4. Fix some of the bugs not finding the job title in indeed saved searches
venkatesh achary
I am not able to login to this app . Its not taking the suggested mail ids, even if i manually trying to type the details required for login results the same.
Jairo Navarrete
When I try logging in, it autocompletes regardless of if I want to or not. My email is invalid even though I tried the browser version and it worked fine. There is no forgot password option on this app.
Rini V
Good concept but needs a lot of work. Full of bugs and unstable.
Bekah Frank
APP doesnt have a "forgot password'/password reset option? The UI could use some work - the text is too big in some of the headings and the words spill over to the next line below in some places
Yarimel Rodgers
Android experience is terrible. I cannot log into job boards because app does not support Google logins. Not worth the monthly subscription if I can't use accros multiple devices. Will be unsubscribing from service.
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