Warmasters: Turn-Based RPG

A strategy game where ingenious tactics are needed to win the battle of heroes!

Total ratings

3.56 (Rating count: 284)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Interesting concept and potential for the game.
  • Intuitive controls and clean animations.
  • Microtransactions are perceived as optional.
  • Variety of heroes and characters.
  • Game is lacking content and missions after initial levels.
  • Numerous bugs and crashes, making the game unplayable.
  • In-app purchases are present but reportedly non-functional.
  • Confusing tutorial and UI elements leading to poor user experience.
Most mentioned
  • Game bugs and crashes are a significant issue.
  • Lack of content beyond the first 25 levels.
  • Potential for the game but still not fully developed.
  • Difficult combat balance, making it hard for players.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.56
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Date Author Rating Comment
Sima Nesic
Lacklustre turn-based rpg that would be avrage if not for bad ux and ui element that causing me to click the wrong button and screwing my turn or even worse my troops permanently.
Einārs Obrumanis
Nice game, need an upgrade. But it's okay. Little bit put more colors and upgrade new characters, more levels
Alejandro Beltran
Game is pretty good but it comes to a halt. Once you finish 25 levels. And upgrade every caracter possible. Needs more content or info on possible future update.
Nathaniel Jared
This was the most fun I've had with a mobile game! I'll likely download discord just to keep an eye on development because I enjoyed it so much!
Paaqua Grant
Not under development anymore. This is a scam. Game still includes in app purchases, but they are not working on it and, according to their discord channel, don't intend to restart anytime soon. This should be removed from the market, or have in app purchases blocked.
William Gerstner
A 3.5 to be more precise. The game has potential, but it's still not fully done yet either. More missions is a must, 25 is a nice soft start, but oh boy will you need plenty. I do enjoy the new star ratings and speed rewards for completion. As for the Heroes, I like the variety thus far. I wasn't able to complely follow the story (sorry, tapped through, my bad) so I'm not sure why some characters are locked to your roster. Oh and it'd be sweet to rearrange heroes on the roster for OCD's sake 👍
Daniel Guerrero
starting level 5, battle scene crash from time to time but will be ok after relaunching the game. But starting level/stage 10 battle scene wont be completed no matter what. after a turn or two, you cant tap on any of your character anymore.
Joe Wilson
Still developing it seems, hope they start expanding on it soon, it's pretty fun overall. Once there is more to explore and different ways to better your team it should be really good IMO.
George Brett
Asking me to rate 2 fights in... Okay, but already just 5-6 fights in and I can't win. No stars but have to give 1 to rate. This is no stars.
Mr. Jesse
don't really like the tutorial. they added complexity where it didn't need to be. looks like it'll cost money to upgrade in the later levels.
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