Threema. The Secure Messenger

Threema is the messenger with the most consistent focus on security and privacy.

Total ratings

4.19 (Rating count: 73,760)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • High security and privacy standards
  • No need to share personal data like phone number or email
  • User-friendly interface with robust features
  • Regular updates that improve functionality
  • Ability to delete and edit messages recently added
  • Recent updates have caused crashes and stability issues
  • Some features like LED notifications have been removed or aren't functioning
  • Lack of multi-device support
  • Missing certain functionalities like self-destructing messages and online status indicators
  • User interface changes (e.g., condensed messages) have been frustrating for some users
Most mentioned
  • The app has strong security and encryption features
  • Crashes and instability after recent updates
  • Limited customization options for notifications
  • Desire for multi-device support
  • Missing features like last seen and read receipts in group chats
See reviews for Threema. The Secure Messenger on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.19
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Date Author Rating Comment
Markus Stang
WHAT THE HELLO IS WRONG WITH YOU!? The new update brings new like/dislike icons. That are not clearly visible now! Before thy where green and Orange NOW they are Unrecognizable blend. AND they take waaay more space now and the chat list ist longer Don't update to the now version CHANCE THE APPEARANCE!
Ojas Bakshi
Awesome 😎. Keep making it more secured. Please lock the application immediately once a user leaves the application to make it more secured just like What's App does instead of minimum time of 30 seconds as for now.
A Google user
Why was the option to choose the LED color for notifications removed in the last update :-(. That was the only way to tell between notifications from different messengers without having to turn the smartphone screen on...
Ox Brook Ministries
One of the best and most secure 21st messaging app. I'm torn between this and Signal. They seemed to have cured the previous unreliable voice and video calling problems.
Axel Uhl
Great security and privacy. No need to share any personal data. Sometimes connectivity is a bit flaky, and calls hardly work ever... And now (2024-11) the notification LED stopped working for Threema. Can't configure it anymore, and it doesn't flash upon new messages. When in silent mode, this makes Threema a bit pointless to use. Non read status for group messages.
Dietlinde Alphart
Safest app- just be sure to make a backup! My friend has lots of issues with the current iOS version when sending audios,they often don't work. Hope that will soon be better
Threema is okay for direct messaging. They update the app occasionally which is good. But consider these: There is no "online" or "last seen" marker. Groups do not have read reciepts and typing markers. Links do not embed, not even for YouTube or GIFs.
Vera Tens
Since the Sept 2024 update the app crashes more and more while writing a text (and yes. Text is then lost!) And suddenly switches to the overview page. It used to be very reliable/stable, but has got to a point where we are considering using another chat app. I really hope the developers are fixing this before we are forced to move elsewhere...
Michael Moser
I used to be totally convinced by this app but it's more and more loosing its advantages. E.g. the hassle to operate it on more than one device was acceptable as a workaround a few years ago but is starting to get ridiculous. When will there finally be a proper multi-device solution?
Pretty cool application for encrypted messages, security is important to me but Threema is missing out on a huge opportunity to compartmentalize an SMS platform and offer the best of both worlds. I know the intention is to not cause confusion, but there are ways to mitigate that from a GUI perspective to differentiate the two services and it's disappointing to see such an expensive application that is missing out on that opportunity.
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