RTS Info : Toute l’actualité

RTS Info: With RTS, follow the news continuously in Switzerland and around the world.

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 1,119)

Review summary

  • Excellent content quality
  • Interesting large formats
  • Provides news when it works properly
  • Frequent crashes and bugs
  • Notifications not working correctly
  • Outdated news feed
  • Technical errors when trying to play videos
  • Poor user interface and navigation
Most mentioned
  • Crashes frequently
  • Notifications failing
  • Outdated news
  • Technical issues with videos
  • Content quality praised
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for RTS Info : Toute l’actualité on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.50
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Rating filters

5 star
15% (3)
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15% (3)
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35% (7)
1 star
25% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Timothy Geer
Hasn't updated since 7am this morning; tells me to update the app. Updated the app and now news feed is from 9 days ago. Duhhh. Is this news or history lesson?
A Google user
L'appli est extrêmement buggée. Elle crash très fréquemment, à moins d'attendre une dizaine de secondes entre chaque clic/swipe ... Veuillez faire quelque chose à ce propos svp !
Robin Zbinden
Je ne peux pas recevoir de notifications, il ne prend pas en compte que je les active à chaque fois... J'ai beau eu la réinstaller, rien n'y fait...
Jeremie Moullet
Très bonne application !
Roger Fong
1000th review woooo! Merry christmas and happy new years switzerland!!
Anton Fontesanovich (starbuck3000)
Fonctionne très bien pour afficher des publicités, puis des messages d'erreur pour "droits insuffisants" lorsque les JT commencent. Il faut lutter pour voir l'actualité du jour (p.ex. redémarrer, basculer sur une autre app puis revenir 30 sec. plus tard, etc.), sinon c'est 3 jours de retard. Bref, trop fastidieux par rapport au site web.
Mathieu Chevrier
Notifications are not saved anymore in app and not working despite app excluded from battery optimization. Content still as excellent as usual.
Jean Rolle
In spite of being closed it continually attempts to access the internet causing the traffic counter to soar...
Momo Unog
The information is not accurate
Why is the option to translate gone? Was this removed during an update?
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