Wochen Menüplaner

Create a menu plan quickly and easily.

Wochen Menüplaner - Easy Weekly Meal Planning

"Wochen Menüplaner" is an Android app designed to make meal planning fun and easy. With features like daily menu entries, a weekly overview, synchronization across devices, personalized meal suggestions, seasonal recommendations, and links to online recipes, it simplifies your meal prep for the week. Enjoy planning your meals effortlessly!
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App stats

Downloads: 27,211
Version: 1.0.42 (Last updated: 2023-03-19)
Full description: See detailed description

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Not available on Edge

User reviews

Sehr gute App, simpel gestaltet aber tut ihren Job sehr gut. Wäre schön wenn man sich Farben aussuchen könnte das es nicht immer nur grün ist, sondern zb. Blau oder rot usw.
by Elynia, 2024-08-20
View all user reviews

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