Ghostfolio - Wealth Management

Keep track of your financial assets like stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies
Ghostfolio - Wealth Management is a lightweight, open-source app designed to help you track your financial assets such as stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies across multiple platforms. With a focus on privacy and data ownership, it enables users to make informed investment decisions while promoting a minimalistic approach. Sign up anonymously, add historical transactions, and gain insights into your portfolio composition easily.
Downloads: 2,604
Version: (Last updated: 2024-07-13)
Version code: 9
Creation date: 2021-02-26
Size: 313.25K
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: a day ago

User reviews

Not possible to use with self hosting
by art deineka, 2024-12-18

Seems something is broken for me - app acts as website opener only and the website opens in "desktop" mode which makes navigation on phone very difficult
by Przemyslaw Iwanczak, 2024-04-16
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