Castle Fight

Build a kingdom, capture castles and command an army

Total ratings

3.88 (Rating count: 110)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Nice, light, and fast RTS game
  • No ads and no pay-to-win mechanics
  • Good mechanics that require strategy
  • Fun game overall
  • Occasional updates with new content
  • Levels repeat after a certain point
  • Skip level button not working
  • Desire for multiplayer options
  • Some levels are too easy or hard
  • Need for more content and new features
Most mentioned
  • Levels repeating
  • Need for multiplayer
  • Issues with skip level button
  • Desire for new maps and features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.88
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36% (5)
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Date Author Rating Comment
its a nice, light and fast rts. confusingly unmonitized; they dont even give you an option to buy them a coffee. its also a dead beta : (
hansen pratama
Dis is good games but I think you should at multiple player
Christopher Robinson
It's a good game, and i like the changes since the update, but since then the skip level button no longer works.
Well the game is dope pls add a shop, atleast 2 more race, fix the skip level button, and nerd sentinels That's all but overall the game is cool
Ok game to kill time. Easily win every round. After 20 rounds it's the same levels again and again
Phoenix Y Eden
Great start for a fun game
Hi im Ryan
As someone who played this game for a over a month it's pretty good. It's also one of the only times I've downloaded games from tiktok also. What I don't like is how easy some of the maps are but I like how they occasionally add new stuff. Also it would be nice if they added multi-player.
Andre Atangan
this game hard
Emmanuel Winston
Level 4 is impossible hard it's a good game but redo level 4 please
Nice neat game, no ads (so far) and no pay to win, good time waster. However I gave 4 stars bc levels keep repeating and keep giving the same map, which gets boring after a while. I would love to see new updates such as new maps (eg winter terrain with disadvantages), soldiers, towers or new features such as upgrading soldiers or being able to expand your kingdom by playing those games, and moving on to conquer other land after one is done. These are just my ideas, hope to see new update soon!
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