Bulk Sender for Marketing

Send bulk messages to contacts, extract contacts from groups for Marketing

Total ratings

3.95 (Rating count: 10,616)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Effective for small business marketing
  • User-friendly interface
  • Cost-effective for bulk messaging
  • Increased productivity reported by users
  • Ability to send messages without being banned (in some cases)
  • Frequent issues with contact import functionality
  • Restrictions on sending messages to large contact lists
  • App requires accessibility permission every time it is started
  • Auto-renewal and payment issues reported by multiple users
  • Lack of ability to send messages in the background
Most mentioned
  • Problems with contact import from Excel sheets
  • Issues with subscription management and auto-pay
  • Need for background running capabilities to allow multitasking
  • Desire for customization in messaging (like first name usage)
  • The app stops working or has reduced functionality after updates
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.95
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5 star
26% (9)
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17% (6)
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14% (5)
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9% (3)
1 star
34% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mehboob Fayyaz
Hello! It's really a great application for marketing but still need some improvements like, it asks for accessibility permission every time when you start the app. Secondly, it does not support background campaign running, means you can't take calls during sending messages. I started using it yesterday and keeping notes for improvements. Thanks
App is better for business marketing but How to stop autopay payment. I have done monthly payment through phone pay
Sara Clothes
I am purchased app. after app update my pro version remove my ending time 17 Jan 25
Safety Our Priority
In my opinion, using a bulk sender application for marketing would be more effective if the app could operate in the background. This feature would allow users to multitask efficiently, improving productivity while managing campaigns.
Jedidiah Yaw Poku
App is not functioning... It started working fine but Sending bulk message has stopped and selects only on contact to send the message to... Kindly fix it please.
Siddharth Prusty
Best app, it deserves a 5 star But I am giving 3 stars for only 1 reason The attached file should be on top & the message should be below. but the message delivers first then the attached file. please look to it
Amit Jaiswal
Cancelled the subscription, still deducting the charges every month from my account using Autopay, not even updated the status on Google play store. The fraud is happening and no one is taking action against them. Don't fall for this trap, I've lost my money
Edge Line Training Consult
A very good and helpful app but could be made better by improving the custom massage and having a setting of using only first names or Only last names not just the complete contact name
Software sent 4 messages and my number got blocked by whatsapp. Duration set by 5 seconds but still.
Kingsley Atila
congrats to the creator of this app. I love it. But, someone can't send 30 message at a spot if not so, you will got band by WhatsApp
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