Simple Weather App

A beautiful and simple weather app

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4.45 (Rating count: 209)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.45
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Date Author Rating Comment
This is REALLY nice! So simple and clean. Easy on the eyes. I can't believe its taken me so long to find this weather app. Thank you!!!
Samuel Opiyo
A good basic tool. Needs radar map. The legend not clear if overcast clouds mean showers? Is a very good basic tools with not many detail good point to start.
John Dale
Best Weather App. Not 100% accurate, but the closest thing to it I've found to date. If you want perfection, don't get a weather app!!! It's the weather..."DAH"!!!
Jay Marion
Very nice simple graphics and easy to use. I'm very happy I found this app. It wasn't easy, the weather app choices are numerous but most are suspiciously scammy. This one seems to be playing fair!
Brett “Tehowennathe” Morris
Simple to use app. Has all the proper information needed. If a radar is added I'd definitely pay a yearly subscription, to help support app and get radar. Keep up the great work.
Tim Fowler
Feels more like a big widget than a full weather app. The good: Simple UI. No ads. Easily discernable icons. No image overlays or transparency issues. Has light/dark mode. The bad: Lacking radar and full daily forecast. Lacking temp/percip/humidity charts. Cannot configure UI. Can't disable the slide-in animations or change color theme or rounded corners, etc. Can't change weather source. Overall, it feel likes it's lacking as a full Weather app and the UI is still a little too bubbly for me.
Nancy Schumacher
Been using this about a month, it's about as accurate as any, but sooooo much easier to use. Intuitive swipes and scrolls, all the relevant info without the extraneous. Perfectly titled, thanks!!
Joseph Younger
An exceptional weather app which has been rather thoroughly thought out. Informative yet simple. This is a "keeper", in my opinion.
Marty Greg
Very nice UI, a very thoughtful layout. Simple but quite comprehensive everything at your fingertips. The widget, for my not so perfect eyesight, is too small. Font customization would be useful.
Jayashree Dhar
It is reliable but UI needs some polishing. Keep the minimal look. Please add some widgets.
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