is a means of user access to digital public services.

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 9,181,868)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Advanced government services app functionality
  • High level of security and functionality
  • Digital and convenient for accessing government services
  • Light, fluid, and intuitive interface
  • Facial recognition software is ineffective
  • Frequent app crashes and failure to function properly
  • Issues with linking bank accounts and cybersecurity checks
  • Excessive requirement for personal information
  • Error messages and installation problems on various devices
Most mentioned
  • Facial recognition not working or poor performance
  • App crashes or fails to open
  • Difficulty linking to bank accounts
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.55
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70% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Marcos Lima
Not working on my phone after most recent update. Please revert to an working version
1uciano 96
site login + reconhecimento facial
Alexander Slobodchikov
can't login with face
JúNior __
still lacking improvements... This freshness of fectime that demands the image without any shadow
For sure the most ADVANCED Government Services App in the world. Basically you can do everything in this app or validate your identity for other government services. Brazil is an example for other country for Digital Government.
Saif Tariq
Every time down , not that much friendly user interface
iizi idiomas
I am surprisingly satisfied with the level of security and the functionality of the app. congratulations to all who are working to make it possible.
It has the worst facial recognition software in the universe. Brazilians don't know how to code. All government websites and software are terrible. Nothing works. The QR code on IDs are also awful, the low-quality print and paper coupled with the low-res image make them illegible. This is prehistoric technology developed in favelas.
Albert Fisher
Frustrating, doesnt work at all
Big Tall
Gold access up grade should work with any country cellphone number number, not only from Brazil once is centralizing all gov service in this webpage and would work better even for brazoliens who live outside Brazil once we do not hsve any help from embasy or consulate. We fell that we are left behide and almost impossuble to solve simple problems like prove of life for pension inss or and sp prev. In Brazil you can use your bank, atm and over the phone with sms code confirmation.
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