Simple IP Cam Viewer

A really simple player for videos or IP cameras.

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2.44 (Rating count: 40)
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All time rating average: 2.44
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Date Author Rating Comment
very useful app! but please hide config bar on top of the screen. it was full screen before last update. I think you can make config button to an icon on the screen.
Mohammad Khairul Alam
Fols, new policy for earning money.
Dieter Vanwijnsberghe
Works very quick and simple. Like to be able to zoom in though.
Mickey Toler
Doesn't have a way to input a username and password.
Grady Miller
Did what it claims, I punched in my rtsp camera address and it just showed up.
Robert Bryan
My camera not found
Lacey Harris
The app doesnt MAKE any sense! A cartoon pic just plays over and over you cant click on or open ANYTHING! Not sure what the point of it is☹
Web duck
Great little app. Wood be better if Google could start it.
Paul Kruger
Did nothing. Entered ip for camera. Black screen. No config, no settings nothing. Deleted,
Ramandeep Singh
Does what it says! Super quick as well compared to bloated apps companies offer. Wish there was a feature to switch between a few cameras or url history save. This is how all apps should be. 5 Stars.
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