Bible Trivia - Word Quiz Game

Experience Bible Trivia Game, Test Your Bible Knowledge for Fun!

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 56,730)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great trivia questions about the Bible
  • Informative and fun gameplay architecture
  • Engaging concept that encourages learning
  • Excessive and disruptive ads after almost every question
  • Technical issues such as game crashing and freezing
  • Poor grammar and incorrect answers in trivia questions
Most mentioned
  • Overwhelming number of ads
  • Frustration caused by ads ruining the gameplay experience
  • Technical problems such as crashing and unhelpful support when contacted for issues
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Recent rating average: 1.30
All time rating average: 4.75
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Date Author Rating Comment
David Jackson
You will spend more time watching ads than answering trivia questions. It takes most people less than 10 seconds to read and answer a trivia question. Well in this game there is a 30 second ad every 3rd question. On top of that if you miss a question you get an ad and the option to watch another ad to keep playing. You literally will spend more time on ads than the game, no way around that.
Way, way, way to many ads. Miss a question and you get the regular ad plus have to watch 2 ads. Ads after every question ought to be enough. Very distracting and can't enjoy the game.
I like the app, but the support is horrible! I purchased the ad free version, and I still continue to experience ads. I've tried contacting them a couple different ways on 4 or 5 occasions and they don't even have the decency to reply. I even contacted Google Play, which was no help. At least they were professional enough to acknowledge that I wrote them. It's not the few dollars that count, it's the principal. What a shame...
Brittany “They_Callme_Thumper” Moore
Game crashes, causing a frozen black screen on the phone. Wouldn't recommend playing until that's fixed. Aside from the consistent crashing bug, it's okay. The game itself is about 3 stars.
It's a shame when a Developer only responds to people who leave positive reviews, an not take accountability when their app falls short of its claimed abilities. This app does however perform acceptable, it's just the fact that I paid the fee to experience the ad free version of the app, but it continued to push out ads. Dispite the measures I took to try to correct the problem on my end, such as clearing cache, rebooting, etc, AND, contacting the developer on 3 different occasions, they remain
Lindsay Campbell
Wonderful concept I love playing but the ads are so terrible. This is more agitating than it's worth. Also the type of ads that are on this app is concerning most are gambling apps, or "cash" apps not many apps that would be beneficial to a believer. :(
darryl Seltz
Loved the thought of this app. It presents great triva questions about the bible. However, It is disappointing that after every level, you are presented 1 to two minutes of commercials. Then, if you answer any question wrong, you have to set thru commercials again. It gets tiresome, and your mood to learn turns into frustration and disappointment.
The IAm YvetteExperience
A lot of your answers are incorrect. I don't know where you're getting your Scripture references from, but I would say that at least 25% of the answers are wrong. For example, the question was who told Job, "Curse God and die". Your answer was satan. The correct answer is, his wife, according to Job 2:9. Additionally the grammar in some of the questions is really bad.
Tabitha Mann
Ads after every level now. Also forces play store. Ads even when you turn off Wi-Fi and mobile data. How, I don't know unless it put uploaded ads into my phone to have it ready to play even without wifi. I don't mind reasonable amount of ads but after every level is too much. Also if I wanted to go to play store I would click ad. Don't force me to go. This last reason is the main reason why I'm immediately uninstalling app.
J D Marketing
An endless spiral of ads that get you trapped in with no way out. They try to push other games on you and will not let you back to the Bible app until you're forced to download other games. This is the dumbest thing an app developer could do. You ruined your own game to promote someone else's. I now have a headache from all the frustration. Shame on you.
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