BFA App 2.0

The newest BFA App, intuitive and easy to use

Total ratings

2.32 (Rating count: 1,067)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Users appreciate the new app version, especially the improved API.
  • Some users find the user interface fabulous and well done.
  • App frequently experiences issues and is not stable after updates.
  • Difficulties in creating accounts and using the account opening functionality.
  • Long loading times and performance issues, making it frustrating for users.
  • Lack of multilingual support, particularly for English speakers.
Most mentioned
  • App not working or experiencing issues after updates.
  • Problems with account creation and functionality.
  • Desire for more language options in the app.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 2.32
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Date Author Rating Comment
António Marino Ferreira
Again the app is not working after latest update! What is problem that you are not able to maintain a stable update??!!
Ângela Jaime
Sinceramente não gostei da App,está a ser muito complicado abrir uma conta,e eu preciso de uma conta BFA online urgente.Estou desapontada com o BFA,porque é complicado fazer uma propaganda enganosa😭
Jignesh Panchal
can you update other languages option in BFA mobile app....
Pedro correia
Boa experiência
Mrmoney Og
It doesn't work if you don't yet acount on BFA can't creat acount
Michael Hardy
A funcionalidade de abertura de conta no aplicativo não funciona corretamente. Ao inserir o código recebido por SMS, ocorre um erro. No entanto, tenho usado o aplicativo sem problemas para pagamentos, consultas de saldo e transferências nos últimos dias.
Jake ML
need english language on app
ken moreno
bank that doesn't have enough currency. it will take so long to send your money to other country.
Não funciona. The worst app ever
Jorge Correia
Não está a dar para criar conta
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