First Bank on the go

Discover the convenience and freedom of banking on the go.

Total ratings

2.20 (Rating count: 289)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App frequently crashes or is unresponsive after updates.
    • Users often receive an 'unexpected error' message when trying to log in.
    • Mobile deposit feature does not work effectively, with problems capturing images of checks.
    • Lack of customer support and responsiveness from the bank regarding app issues.
    • Inconsistent app performance, requiring repeated uninstalls and reinstallations to function temporarily.
    Most mentioned
    • Unexpected errors when logging in or using the app after updates.
    • Frequent crashes and lack of reliability with the app.
    • Issues with the mobile deposit feature not functioning properly.
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 2.20
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    st louys
    For the love of god stop updating the app if itll make it unresponsive every single time.
    won't even open and updates aren't available. probably the worst app I've ever had to use.
    Jason Kirkpatrick
    App never works. just pops up an error that says something went wrong. worthless
    Yip Yu
    App was updated and I get the "something went wrong" error like everybody else. Desktop login is OK. What is the point of the App then? And when are no steps taken to fix this? It has been going on for some time now.
    Tiffany Edwards
    Keeps saying unexpected error when trying to log in!! It's been like this for at least a month now. Please fix this! It makes no sense to not have a functioning app for customers. Edited: I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it allowed me to log in for now....
    Nathan Hock
    I'm not a fan of First Bank closing most of their real branches and leaning into interactive teller machines and other tech alternatives. But if that's the direction they want to go, that technology needs to actually be high-quality, unlike this app that crashes often and is broken by every other update.
    Frank Valenti
    Is there a bank that is solid with fixing and staying up to date with their app? I'm considering switching banks because I haven't been able to use the app for 2 months, and going to the bank to deposit my checks is a major inconvenience. The only way I'm staying is if I find out that the team responsible for maintenance on the app is fired and they're hiring for more positions. 2 months!!!
    Ben Mullins
    The app hasn't worked properly in months. Every update I cross my fingers that the unexpected error will be fixed. But it's not 😒
    Lindsay Derrick
    This is getting stupid. Apps are supposed to make access easy and more convenient, not cut you off completely. If this doesn't resolve quickly and permanently, we WILL be looking for a new bank. There's a reason the app has a 2.4 star rating. That should tell you something.
    Joanna Wideman
    Tried to log in to balance books and get a message that says "something went wrong" on the main screen. Won't let me use biometrics or passcode.
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