Ball Sort: Sorting-Bubble Sort

Color Ball Sort Puzzle Game needs a master! Solve the puzzle in sort ballpuz!

Total ratings

4.76 (Rating count: 103,084)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Bright colors and nice graphics
  • Fun and engaging puzzle gameplay
  • Auto follow feature for matching balls
  • Optional ads for helpful tools
  • Smooth and efficient gameplay
  • Frequent and long ads that disrupt gameplay
  • App crashes and freezes frequently
  • Issues with in-app purchases and ad removal
  • Confusing color differentiation in some levels
  • Lack of developer response to bugs
Most mentioned
  • Excessive and long ads
  • Frequent crashes and freezing
  • Auto follow feature for sorting balls
  • Color confusion in certain levels
  • Developer support issues and app resets
See reviews for Ball Sort: Sorting-Bubble Sort on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.76
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42% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
denise rutledge
Great game! Colors are bright. I Like puzzles & this is a good one! And I love that you don't have to move one ball at a time! Auto follow(of same color) is fantastic!
Susan J Brune
I thought this was a great game until I bought something from one of their advertisers, a fake LLBean that was a scam! Be careful. I don't recommend them now.
This app told me to update, while in the middle of playing. I was dumb enough to click on it, which prompted a download of a completely different game! Very sleazy and sneaky. I am now going to uninstall this SUS app. Bye!
James Critchley
It's a great app, very smooth and slick which I like. What I don't like is all the mystery levels where you can't see the colours, or the ones with the covers so you can't see the colours. I'm not looking for a memory game, so I think I've had enough now. Looking for an alternative.
It's a fun sorting game. Optional ads for helpful tools on the hard levels, they can be mostly skipped otherwise. I play to cash out with JustPlay, you have to beat a lot of levels to get the reward but it's fun enough that I don't mind grinding.
Candy O'Keefe
Fun game, nice graphics but c'mon..... 60 second commercials to get a power up? That will be the reason I uninstall this game when I find a suitable replacement.
Krista Winger
App is great love everything except for the fact that the app constantly closes itself / crashes I've tried Uninstalling the app and reinstalling it and the problem persists anything that can be done to fix this issue is appreciated I've also tried clearing the cache and restarting my phone none of those worked to fix the issue either
Mambo Mwamainda
The ball sort is incredible I like the way colours are being match it's fast and efficient to play, download it and enjoy the game.
Rob Brown (Mystwalker3333)
Good puzzle game. However the colors are sometimes hard to tell apart, especially the pinks and yellows. Adds are a punishment for completing a level (account pet peeve of mine), but otherwise it is a decent f2p game. Occasionally shady add that suggests you need to update but is actually another app entirely. A way to restart a level short of closing and reopening the fame would be welcome
Robin Alford
If you get stuck, you will spend more time watching ads than playing the game. I understand that for the game to be free, you have to install ads. But those are nuts! The ads are 30 seconds long at least if not more. Uninstalling.
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