Kids' World of Animals

Discover animals, sounds, and names in an interactive learning app for kids

Total ratings

4.14 (Rating count: 893)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Realistic animal sounds
  • Fun and entertaining for toddlers and kids
  • Helpful for teaching kids about different animal sounds
  • Funny and interesting animal content
  • Too many advertisements
  • Unskippable video ads
  • Intrusive and frequent ads make the app hard to use
  • Some features are locked behind ads
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Animal sounds
  • Usability issues due to ads
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.14
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Date Author Rating Comment
Debbie Ferguson
Easy touch and swipe for my toddler grandson. He loves the animal sounds. I am so glad they are realistic sounds even though the animals are cartoon.
Tried to use this with my little one, too many non skipable video ads, too hard to use because of this.
A Google user
Full of ads
A Google user
Tried to use this with my child. Every couple of animals that you look at you have to endure 30 seconds worth of ads. Absolutely ridiculous.
A Google user
The ads make this app unusable, couldn't even try the app, do not use
A Google user
I LOVE ANIMAL SOUNDS plus you can prank people and animals
A Google user
Helpful and teaching your kids how different animal sound.
A Google user
It's awesome I love animals good to listen to them and it makes me go to sleep eiser because I'm of course a farm girl not no gossip girl. I live with animals there amazing!!!!!! And of course I said yes to that girl who gave good feedback I said no to the one who gave bad feedback so 😝😝😝😝and who gave good feedbackπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹
A Google user
Good after if you want to listen to animal noises all the and if you like this sounds of this is for you and I really like the sounds of animal noises so I would recommend this to lots of people please please get it
A Google user
Love the app funny animal sounds just too many adds and I'm positive the sound you have for the starfish is Darth Vader breathing with Lazer blasters going off in the background lol funny but inaccurate
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