Authenticator App: 2FA Code

Authenticator app enable 2-Factor Authentication for better Account Security.

Total ratings

1.97 (Rating count: 964)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Lost all authentication codes after update
    • App is riddled with ads
    • Frequent crashes and inability to open
    • Poor customer support and lack of contact options
    • Non-user friendly interface
    Most mentioned
    • App updated and deleted all saved codes
    • Inaccessible after updates
    • Excessive ads
    • Lost access to multiple accounts
    • Difficult to recover lost data
    See reviews for Authenticator App: 2FA Code on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 1.97
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    5 star
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    4% (1)
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    1 star
    96% (26)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Lauren Larson
    This is the WORST experience I've ever had with an app!! DON'T click the crown in the upper right corner. As soon as I did, it charged me $20.99 for ads free. No way to contact company to ask for refund. Web address is a useless blog post. Google can't refund. Absolute waste of time and money.
    The Immense Holiday Travels
    Not working.. and deleted all details automatically
    B Ya
    No longer have access to old accounts. Admins pls help
    Robert DiIenno
    Deleted all my codes on an update. No instructions on how to recover. There's an add on every screen change. Uses something else.
    Asserick Everest Dela Cruz
    Updated and my keys are lost can't even use my Facebook now
    This app was perfect until it updated and now I cant access the 3 apps I had it linked to because it lost my data with the update.
    Dark Warrior
    Stupid app, after the update it reset everything and I can't even login because i can't even recover it. I already put a lot of authenticator on this and what I got, it reset everything and I can't even login on my other app
    data was removed with latest update. This is just disgusting. Access to multiple accounts lost.
    Josh Rigney
    I lost my access to Facebook because this app updated and deleted all of my saved keys. Now, I can't get into Facebook to manage my company's social media on my laptop. This is terrible and I'd love to find a solution. Is there anyway I can rollback to a previous version and recover my data?
    Nnamdi Elege
    Lost all my authentication codes, don't even know how
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