The Biggest Brands On Sale, Everyday! Australia's ultimate shopping destination.

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 6,520)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good quality products
  • Great prices across a wide range of items
  • Easy to navigate and use the app
  • Fast refunds when issues arise
  • Wide selection of brands and categories
  • Technical issues with the app, including slow performance and glitches
  • Expensive shipping costs
  • Poor customer service and long response times
  • Frustrations with the payment process, including lack of confirmation and PayPal issues
  • Problems with item delivery, including long wait times and cancellations
Most mentioned
  • Shipping delays and costs
  • Technical glitches and app performance
  • Customer service difficulties
  • Payment process issues
  • Search functionality limitations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
Rikje Barnwell
Love Ozsale! Good quality products. Delivery can be slow, but always arrives. :) Questions are answered promptly. Very good service!!! Having problems paying!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
H Mos
Ozsale used to have many more diverse brands. Now it is repetitive in its offerings and the prices are the same as other discount stores. Shipping costs are too expensive. There are often technical issues with the app and the Ozsale app is not user-friendly. You can't click on photos to see items up close. Also, for the last shipments, I received the items were thrown into boxes without packing protection, so boxes were damaged. Customer service is slow and not very helpful.
Corynne McArthur
Easy to operate. Content is good...it's excellent. Only issue with entire site is shortlisting sizes it's frustrating to look at every item to check sizes available
Sylvia L
As soon as I saw the ad for sukin rosehip pack for $14 on the 7th of December, I wanted to buy it and when I clicked on it, the price showed $19. I sent them an email in regards to it straight away wanting them at that price but they responded me on Dec 12th and I responded with this on the message saying that the gallery picture function on the app doesn't work thus I can't send them the picture. Today is Dec 18th and haven't heard from them.
Linda Parker
I can't even get passed putting my email in. Saying it is wrong. Well it's not. It's mine l know. These computers think they know everything. God help us if they take overπŸ™
Rick igloo
3 updates in 24 hours? The search feature is useless. Nothing happens.
Nuvaira Nayyara Ahmed
All brands available at one place and every thing clothes beauty footwear kitchen accessories and appliances every thing all popular brands available multiple options available and free shipping is also available on all products love this. Thank you OZSALE
Davide Smm
Do not bother yourself to buy from them. They are scams. I purchased 2 items, and I'm waiting over 3 months to receive it, so it's never happened. I tried to contact them, but technically, they do not care. Doggy Scams
Huge range of items. Easy to use app. Great prices across the range. All dispatched and arrived quickly. Multiple payment options. I LOVE this app and get anything from kitchen supplies, kids toys to even a new phone. Awesome.
Donna McPherson
Having trouble with it. In the past week l have been unable to upload photos regarding a faulty item and unable to use PayPal for payment of another item. Also the PayPal banner disappeared and l was forced to use Google Pay. I am unable to view daily Ozsale emails on my phone clearly without going to the app and am unable to enlarge images for closer viewing. Don't like it at all.
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