Simple Reminder

Create simple reminders. Nothing else.

Total ratings

4.30 (Rating count: 277)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Reliable performance
  • Effective notification reminders
  • Good backup feature
  • Responsive developer support
  • Notifications can be skipped or not show up
  • Limited customization for notification messages
  • Forced future time and date for reminders
  • Lack of snooze options or functionality
  • No option to self-delete past reminders automatically
Most mentioned
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Notification issues
  • Desire for more customization
  • Developer responsiveness
  • Reliability of reminders
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.30
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Date Author Rating Comment
Anas H. Sulaiman
This app does what it says well. It helps me set recurring reminders with ease. The backup feature works well and gives me peace of mind. The quick and handy snooze buttons are perfect. The notification message is a bit annoying and I wish it was customizable. I also wish there was an option to make the notification persistent with an explicit dismiss button. Still, great app already!
Kieran Mayo
So far so good...would like to see rolling digits when setting time instead of clock... Would also like to set past reminders to auto delete after preset day(s)
Graeme Chambers
I have found this app to be very reliable and as the name says, simple to use. I have been using it for over a year now and all my reminders have worked with no issues.
Spring Robinson (Birth Name-Heidi)
It looked like it was going to work. But, then I discovered that it wasn't going to make my Med Alarms as I take them. I was going to have to type in each and every Pill I take, and schedule the time. I take 3 different pills 3 times a day, and 4 different meds 4 times a day. Plus my vitamins. Everything is Every day. That's so many different Med Alarms every day it's Ridiculous!!
Paula Westhoff
Would like to see a "remind me" function in lieu of time intervals that would give us options to repeat the reminder for when we designate. Kind of like the appt reminders in Outlook where you can set when you want it to repeat.
John Baines
Simple and compact. Seems to work well so far. Uses the only function I needed from Just Reminder in one simple app. Removed from Battery Optimization list so hopefully will activate when phone is asleep. What's the delay until the next notification when I have 'Repeat Until Attended' ticked? Thanks.
Adrian Walker
Simple, which is what I want. However I would like to set the snooze time manually each time and I would like completed reminders to be crossed off. Sometimes I like to reset a previous reminder. Would like to be able to set font size of reminders.
Edward Comer
I really like this reminder when it works. I have only one daily reminder yet at least 3 times a week the notification is simply skipped. I check the app after a missed reminder and it has moved to the next day. I've tried the suggestions about reminder accuracy without improvement. I dislike removing the app but I must because what good is a reminder that doesn't remind? For the record I use a Samsung S10e.
Ally Later
Updated review: Michael, That was a fast reply! Okay, I'll strongly consider the paid version after I test drive the free. But my friend, keep it updated. I hate purchasing apps only to have them not maintained. (The ad-free (paid) version appears not to get as many updates(?). "No permissions needed"? But this version does have permissions. I see the paid version does not access the internet but there is that question of updates...)
Ben Thomas
It's a really nice app except for one thing. You create a reminder and it forces you to put a future time and date otherwise it won't save it. I would say most of the time I want to just add a reminder to the list not put a time and date on it. So can't the app be changed to make that optional? At the very least it should default to a future time and date so I don't have to mess with the time and date every time I create a reminder.
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