Smart bike mode Auto Responder

Smart Bike Mode, Sends Auto Response Messages to Incoming Calls and Messages

Total ratings

3.92 (Rating count: 4,056)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Effective at reducing distractions from calls and texts while biking.
  • Combines features like directions and saved routes for better navigation.
  • Allows for personal text messages to be sent.
  • Cannot save custom messages for future use or set a default message.
  • App resets when accessing other applications, causing instability.
  • Auto response feature is slow, often taking a long time to send SMS.
Most mentioned
  • Inability to save custom messages.
  • Instability and app resetting.
  • Delayed auto response and issues sending SMS.
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 3.92
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Date Author Rating Comment
Though app is nice but it does not auto answer the caller and inform that receiver is riding bike. It only send message. As the app in Samsung use to instantly answer the caller and inform that receiver is riding a bike or driving a car as per setting.
AK Arora
Hi, Thanks for the wonderful app for Bike mode and no doubt it is really good but there is one problem that we cant keep our own messages as default and every time when we open this app, pre addes message became default auto response and if we want our own messages we have to right each amd everytime. Plz do something and help
VisakH G M
Only fault I could find is we cannot save Custom messages for future use and cannot make custom message as default message. Rest all good. Nice work team
ashutosh singh
The bike mode turns off when it is removed from the recent activity i.e from the tasks. Please improve it.
Abhijeet Baldota
Best bike mode app... Does what it means to be... 5th star is coming if I can save the message that I want... Every time I have to type in auto reply. Pl give option to save the msg that I use always and modify the ones that you gave
Patricia Motley
Love this app ... it takes all the distraction from people calling or texting also combines directions, saved routes that you took so you can review and ride again later and music
mukhtar akpopirebo
The only problem I have about this app is instability. It has to be reset every time you access another app, otherwise it is very good. I hope this will soon be fixed. Thanks.
A. Chowdhury
The app seems to be getting reset for some reason. I'm choosing a particular SMS to send if I receive a call during driving my motorcycle but the default SMS is being sent.
Al Vincent Abreo
Great app! It functions well and allows me to send personal my own text*****
1.Everything is fine, just you have to type creat massage again and again, which should not happen.plz improve ADD YOURS OWN MSG. 2.some time phone is not small ring when come call.
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