Positional: Your Location Info

Sleek and Beautiful GPS tools and Geographical information app.

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4.61 (Rating count: 227)
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All time rating average: 4.61
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Date Author Rating Comment
Its only negative is requiring a working internet connection since it uses Google Maps but other features appear to work offline. Wish it could coordinate with my device's offline GPS app. Rather elegant overall.
Adil Jamal
This app is the most focused one for finding your current location, with a very beautifully crafted theme! You can also save locations easily, find your way to a place, and share the location with anyone! Has clutter free interface than Google Maps! Thanks developers!
Jon-Cameron Bates (Gadgetologist)
After the latest update, the app now crashes when rotating the phone to landscape mode. Tried reinstalling but still persists. EDIT: Crash issue is fixed now, thanks, but the bloom skin keeps disappearing when you move the phone now! 😞
Adam Peek
Provides everything missing from Google Maps in a distinctly attractive interface. High version numbers usually mean a high level of refinement. I like having a choice of location provider. It's my go to app for retrieving my current address. Changing the location pin is quirky, but not a big deal.
Anthony C
This is a very good location app. Has timely email support. The only negative is setting a different app icon in Settings. It doesn't work. The developer says that issue is unique for my device, nevertheless. If anyone has that issue, please report it.
Prashant Suhano
Very beautiful and useful.. Glitch: Sometime when you switch between clock and compass, compass disappear.. sometime clock disappear....
Duane Rapp
Great app but I do not understand what the moon altitude value is. Even subtracting 180 from it the moon altitude does not match other apps numbers.
David McFalls
Very nice. Instant purchase for me. No issues at all. The apps from this dev are quality and you can tell a lot of effort went into them.
Ananya Gupta
Positional is an absolute beauty of an app! I'm so glad I got it. The compass is accurate. I wish you could use it to log trails and force the GPS/location service to continuously run in the background. This app needs to win for design done right! Thank you, Hamza, for a winner in my book 🏆 This app design reminds me of Timely from back in the days.
does not work properly. the sunrise is after 7 o'clock, when in reality it is at 6:28. I think the problem comes from the inaccurate geo location. in the application appear to be in Paris, but in reality I'm in Romania. I had gps turned on.No inclination, declination and filed strength data in compas menu.
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