Baby Milestones & Development

All-in-One Baby App: Baby Milestone Tracker, Screenings, Development Activities

Total ratings

3.54 (Rating count: 200)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good tool for tracking milestones and activities
  • Screenings are useful features in the app
  • Initial functionality was well received by users
  • Offers premium features that some users found valuable
  • App crashes frequently when accessing milestones or screenings
  • Support response is lacking, with many users not receiving help
  • Recent updates have caused major functionality issues
  • Many features have become paywalled, disappointing existing users
  • Difficulty in account management and retrieving data
Most mentioned
  • App unable to load past the skateboard screen
  • Crashed frequently when trying to access milestones
  • Issues after recent updates affecting core functionalities
  • Lack of response from support with troubleshooting requests
  • Premium features being charged unexpectedly and users feeling it's unfair
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.54
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56% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
Victoria Cramer
I can't even get past the login page. It stops at the baby riding a skateboard and doesn't load. No amount of restarts/reinstalls have helped.
Siobban Olmstead
Good app for keeping track of milestones and ahe appropriate activities but hasent loaded past the main screen in months!!
Shayla Ruttinger
Edit* now this app won't even get past the page of the baby skateboarding. I was having so much fun with this app but all of the sudden whenever I try to record milestones, as soon as I try to get to that page, the app stops working. I was hoping this would resolve, but it hasn't for months now. Disappointing.
Ari Klimm
App stopped working after update. Unable to go into the milestones tab or take any of the screenings in the app. I have tried contacting support, and no help. It has been like this for almost 6 months. This is ridiculous for what the subscription fee costs.
Desiree Hofacker
The app is not working as it once was. I can no longer take screenings without the app closing or click on the milestones tab. The app just force closes constantly. I really liked this app for tracking milestones until this started happening.
Amarachi Clarke
I've been using this app for nearly a year and felt the milestones were a good tool as well as the screening etc. A couple of months ago every time I clicked on the Milestones section the app crashes. I uninstalled & re installed the app but still crashes. I just left the app for a few months. I came back today after remembering the app and expected to be prompted to update the app to clear the issue and...No. Still crashing when you click on the Milestones. Shame a main function is still down
Michaela McMurphy
I loved this app but for some reason when I open the milestones the app keeps shutting down. I have all of my sons milestones on this app and I went to add my daughter to the app as well and now all of my sons are gone. If the bug improves I'll give 5 stars. Update: I took away another star because I emailed support 2 months ago and still haven't received a response.
rose josef
Absolutely horrible experience! The app shuts down every single time I try to access any information and when I tried to cancel my account, it requires a confirmation code sent to my email that never arrived!
Nacho Beezknees
I loved this app quite a bit at first. Now suddenly it crashes every time I try to open the milestones. I can't upload videos, I can't look at old milestones or put in new ones. It just crashes every time. I've deleted it, installed it again, done all the trouble shooting steps I could find and wrote to them. No answer of course. Sadly I'll be deleting the app if it isn't working soon. Along with all the information it holds about my kids milestones.
Kristie Faulkner
It was amazing, 5stars! Until I could no longer access the milestones section of the app! Seriously, FIX THE BUG!! I have emailed you about this over a week ago too. Not to mention the numerous other users that have left similar reviews..
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