Apps Manager - APK Manager

Uninstall multiple apps, filter, sort and see detailed information

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 173)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and simple UI
  • Useful for managing storage and uninstalling apps
  • Powerful and reliable functionality
  • Provides a long list of actions for each app
  • Does not show cache and data file sizes
  • Difficulty with bulk uninstallation and selecting apps
  • Glitches in UI when scrolling
  • Lacks quick way to unselect apps
Most mentioned
  • Managing apps and storage
  • Uninstalling apps
  • User interface issues
  • Desire for more detailed app information
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Apps Manager - APK Manager on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.67
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Rating filters

5 star
65% (13)
4 star
15% (3)
3 star
5% (1)
2 star
1 star
15% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Faid Alfarisi
When scrolling, the top bar (that contains menu) is glitching, become dark and light and then the app list suddenly stopped then continue scrolling
Excellent application and easy to use.
Judith Sayad
Not going to drive for days but it is still running and recording data
Peter Richard
Clean (excellent usability) and compact. Impressive! Ovation requiredπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
It's a super basic app that doesn't give you any accessibility to your apps
Afif Sahrin
Really cool. I hope the Launch option is accessible when I tap the app, not just Uninstall.
Jayant Patidar
Good but Only apk size is shown , not cache files size and data files
Mrs. Grant
I downloaded this app to U INSTALL apps I dont want on my phone.Yoh would think i could do it right? WRONG!!! EVERY ONE I try to uninstall I CAN'T!! WHATS THE USE OF THE APP IF YOU CANT USE IT FOF WHAT IT CLAIMS IT CAN DO?! **UNINSTALLING THE APP FOREVER **
Krishna Reddy
First of all thank-you for making this app, i see there is no quick way to unselect paps once we select unless we do uncheck one by one. 1. And is there way you can add installing apps in batch from local storage ? 2. Looks that beta icon & share icon does same action from app info, what is the difference?
Uday Lal Das
It does not show how much data and cache the apps have taken . It shows only the app size which have been downloaded from play store . Oppo a37f .
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