Jebena - Ethiopian & Eritrean

Ethiopian and Eritrean Dating App

Total ratings

3.90 (Rating count: 615)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and reliable when it works
  • Good concept for connecting the Ethiopian and Eritrean community
  • Potential for a unique platform for finding matches
  • Frequent bugs and crashes preventing user access
  • Limited visibility and functionality for matches, including a 10-person limit
  • Issues with the identity verification process that frustrate users
  • Presence of fake profiles and inactive accounts
  • Lack of options and inadequate customer service support
Most mentioned
  • App frequently crashes or fails to open
  • Issues with uploading and verifying photos
  • Limited number of daily matches and inability to view profiles fully
  • Frustrating user experience due to bugs
  • Concerns about the app being a cash grab
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.90
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75% (18)
Date Author Rating Comment
hani yemane
The app is not working on my phone s9 galaxy
J Lion Menelik
It a decent app not as good as tinder but if you looking for hebesha woman as a guy across the disporia it good. For free I think it decent.
Mathieos Belayneh
Doesn't work. Won't let me get passed uploading photos for the profile. Keep getting the "one profile and atleast 2 matching photos required". I've uploaded 4 photos, and what the hell does atleast 2 matching photos mean?
Samson Mahari
Lately it feels like a lot of the profiles there are fake and can't be verified.
Sometimes it doesn't work and it has daily limit I can't see more
Terrible app with very limited matches, old profiles and a lot of inactive accounts. PLEASE don't spend any money on the app thinking it will help you find better matches. As someone mentioned it is just a cash grab. Try Bumble or Hinge you will get much better results!
Anteneh Befekadu
I installed the app, while uploading pictures it's continually didn't recognize my face, I tried different pictures, it keeps on saying " face not detected" it's a pity. uploading and confirming pictures doesn't work properly, it's relatively simple task...if the first steps are full of bugs, can't imagine how the user experience must be
Abebe Moham
It's full of bugs! So annoying, it sometimes signs u out by itself and then signing back in is impossible! It's the worest😖 It won't let me see any of the people who liked me eventhough I have a lot of unlocks
Tame Developer's
After taking more than 20 selfies just to verify and complete registration. Yet none worked. Even have to shaved my beards. This is disheartening and felt you created this app just to collect users information. Nothing is working at all. Have to even select upto 30 different bright pictures for normal image selection to work. Fix this app and not worth one star
Mahlet Ketema
The identity verification is the worst. It take a whole lot more than actually using the app. I was trying to creat an account and it has been lile an hour or so for just that. You really should work on making the whole process of using the app more flexible and practical.
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