Biometric Passport Reader

Read and verify the biometric chip in your passport or ID

Total ratings

4.39 (Rating count: 670)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works well for scanning MRZ and chip information on passports
  • Very user-friendly and straightforward to use
  • No need for extra permissions or internet connection
  • Helpful for verifying passport functionality before travel
  • Effective for identity verification
  • RFID scanning has compatibility issues with other apps
  • Concerns regarding app security and identity theft
  • Some users report that the camera function does not work properly
  • No option to save photographs after scanning
  • Some users experienced app crashes and resets during use
Most mentioned
  • Issues with RFID scanning and compatibility with other applications
  • Security and privacy concerns related to document scanning
  • User-friendly design and effectiveness in scanning
  • App performance and stability may vary on different devices
  • Requests for more features and better overall functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 4.39
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36% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ruth Radziwill
First Class App. The Best!!
Shandi sawara
woow really great app thank you
Radames Clemente
For some reason the first step doesn't work, nothing happens scanning through camera
Miguel Fernandez
Very good app !!! This is very useful for me to check my passport or I.D card before flying or anything else
Eleazar Redula
Thank's to this App ❤️👏👍😊.No "AD'S", Keep on Update with more Needed Features, Stability and Performance..
Why this app needs photo of your document? This is very shady. I bet they are stealing identities for some government or some private parties. If technical issue then you should enter option to input manually
Fred Beels
Doesn't read the chip. Another app opens when I try to read the chip. Update for clarity: it reads the mrz info with the camera fine then it says to put the passport under the phone to read the rfid chip,as soon as it tries to read it a 3rd party rfid reader application (credit card reader v5.3.4) opens and hijacks the rfid read from your app and closes your app. So, there is some incompatibility between both of your apps. I can record a video if needed for debugging.
John Smith
It doesn't use NFC, it uses the camera. Seems scammy to me, these false promises.
Robert Trego
Just a ad app that directs you to a website to make you spend money to even see if it works at all. Don't downloaded it!
Polly Conroy
Reads the machine read area. Scans the chip and tells me "Success" Them reboots. Up to date version
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