Coin Portfolio: Crypto Tracker

Follow all cryptos, explore the market & track your portfolio.

Total ratings

3.65 (Rating count: 513)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Clean and simple interface
  • No sign-up required for tracking and manual entry
  • Accurate tracking of crypto portfolio
  • Real-time price updates
  • Useful features like price alerts and tracking of losses
  • Significant performance issues and lagging after recent updates
  • Inability to import previous trades automatically
  • Missing basic analytics like average cost and total investment cost
  • Bugs preventing accurate portfolio updates and trade entries
  • Limited ability to account for coins earned from staking or airdrops
Most mentioned
  • Slow loading times and performance issues
  • Need for additional features like connecting with exchanges or multiple portfolios
  • Desire for more detailed price chart data
  • Problems with adding transactions and visualizing swaps
  • App updates causing loss of previous functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.65
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jun An
This last update with the paid option is horrible, at least keep or import my previous trades automatically to my portfolio...
The last version ruined everything guys, how could this be? The app can't estimate all coins in the protfolio anymore, doesn't show such things like avrg.cost and asset total investment cost! These are basic analytics, are you to get them back?
David C
When it works it is great. I am not sure what happened, but lately it takes forever to load if it loads at all. It will tell you it cannot get data for the graphs and in general, there are bad performance issues. It also used to update pricing in real time, but now it does not. There has not been an update on a long, long time.
Capt'n Ron Hayward
Latest update sucks.. it used to open to portfolio investments, no longer does, and when's manually switch into portfolio investments it takes minutes to load. And the total value is wrong. I don't have time for garbage. Going to have to look for a new one.
Dimitar Pashovski
I gave this one a try, looks promising, exactly what i need to keep track of my portfolio... but I've noticed a bug, i have ONE/USDT trade, even though the current price is almost the same as price when i bought them, it shows me that I'm loosing 98% of the inevestment... also i tried to add another trade of the same one and I'm getting an error 'please fill all the fields' and i have no empty fiels... maybe the developers could check this out... also the graph on the landing page is not right..
clean, simple app. the only issue I have is that it runs at 60hz which ends up making the app feel laggy and slow. a feature I would want is a haptic feedback when dragging across the graphs. otherwise the app is very useful and clean.
Good app at first but after the new update it became so slow Edit: things are getting absolutely worse and mixed up, either the charts won't function at all (or some time range just give up functioning), or portfolio just get mixed up with others coins I don't even know about, or the value of my coins automatically gets multiplied without me editing it... Price notifications do not even work anymore . FIX IT PLEASE
Vsevolod Figourov
Great UX and functionality, I personally do need exchange and wallet integration and absolutely fine with manual transactions adding but miss swaps a lot. Hardly can manage my portfolio without stable/coin and other coin pair swaps. Any plans to introduce please?
Eddie Dawes
Works well, but some changes would make it better. I would like it to show how much fiat currencies I have too, as when I input a sell, it shows a drop in my portfolio, as the portfolio only shows the total value of my crypto assets.
Hacke Peter
it has all the portfolio tracking features I need, including a wishlist, all that without sign up. incredible! after the ftx debacle this is my new go to now. you guys did a great job here. only thing that could use a bit more data are the price chart graphs, they do work and you can tap any position to show the price, but it's a bit minimalistic and having the scale numbers left or right would be pretty useful but that's about it. much love <3 (also there's no ads anywhere, nice!)
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