Split Screen

Launch two apps on the screen

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 9,446)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Works well for some users
  • Provides a split screen feature for multiple apps
  • Smooth performance on certain devices
  • Good for multitasking with compatible apps
  • Does not work consistently across all devices
  • Crashes frequently when attempting to use split screen
  • Ads are intrusive and disrupt user experience
  • Does not support gaming apps
  • Only opens one app instead of both in split screen
Most mentioned
  • App inconsistently opens both apps in split screen
  • Frequent crashes and bugs
  • Intrusive ads affecting usability
  • Difficulties in using with certain devices or software versions
  • User frustration with functionality not meeting expectations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.59
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Rating filters

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50% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
not working in android go
Zubair Khalid
Absolutely garbage. I create short cut of 2 apps and when open the shortcut it either open app1 or app2 but never opens both apps in split screen. It did open both in split screen but crashes after 2 seconds. Waste of time
Jonathan Vazquez Alvarez
It doesn't work. It doesn't load the apps I selected to split screens with the way I selected them. Other times it opens one app only or the app just closes by itself.
Sfoaunv O
Doesn't allows games and doesn't split screen AT ALL, Don't download this app it's not worth it.
Kashish Verma
*Utter Garbage- This App is a Joke* "The developers of this app should be ashamed of themselves. They've wasted my time and data with this useless piece of junk. I demand a apology for this insulting waste of my time. I urge everyone to avoid this app like the plague. It's a testament to the absolute worst in app development. 🤢🤮 This is my personal opinion I only want to tell that don't download this app because this app is the waste of time and if you want to download this so *AS YOUR WISH.
Asadbek Zayniddinov
The best split screen app I have ever used!
Rob Wood
The app opens shows two screens and then immediately goes to one what's the point it doesn't work you should probably make sure it works before you just throw it out there as an app you guys don't like get on your own phone and try it and when it doesn't work you guys just like oh I guess it will fix itself
Ezima Joy
After creating shortcut for two apps, only one app will end up opening... It makes me wonder if there is something I ain't doing right
Kumara Kannan
The app is not working Redmi 13c 5g phone.waste time..,,,,
Betty Bass
This is the worst app don't install it it's a waste of time
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